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           Intelligent Life Force Energy

The peaceful way to health and relaxation

Reiki is a subtle yet powerful energy that flows directly from the highest spiritual Source. In alignment with the client's innate healing wisdom, Reiki flows to the areas that require the most attention and support.

The practitioner maintains thier connection to the Source and is simply a "vessel' for the energy. All is required is an open mind & heart.



Allow for Reiki energy to cleanse and align your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies

What does a session consist of?


Sessions are customized to an individual''s needs. Reiki is deeply relaxating and may include many 'healing' effects for both client and practitioner, including physical, emotional, mentalor/and spiritual.


A standard session involves placing the hands on or just above positions around the head, shoulders, stomach, knees, feet or back. A session with a Reiki Master usually lasts an average of 25-30 minutes.



Reiki (ray'-key) is a natural relaxation and stress reduction technique thought to have originated in the Far East several thousand years ago which was 'rediscovered' by a Japanese monk, Dr. Mikao Usui, in the 19th century. Reiki was introduced to the West in the 1930's.


Reiki is a complete system of holistic healing and personal development. Its energy can be used to help all 4 bodies for oneself or others, assist with relaxation or clarity in problem solving and goal-setting, development of higher consciousness and fulfillment of your spiritual purpose

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